21st Century Life in an Ancient Body
We live in an instant world. Services and products being sold to us promise instant results and fast delivery. We’ve come to expect this an even get annoyed with delays or having to wait for results.
Our bodies don’t comply with this new paradigm. Indeed, our bodies weren’t created for the world we live in today. We’re not created to deal with stress, high sugar, processed foods, chemical-laden personal products, crop pesticides, and air pollution we’re exposed to daily.
So it’s more important than ever that we create the internal environment in our bodies so it can do what it’s supposed to do- self heal.
Spiritual Body
There are many simple ways to support your spiritual self. How many of these do you practise?
- Hug a loved one
- Laugh and smile
- Sit in silence for a little while every day
- Meditate regularly
- Show gratitude every day
Emotional Body
Ignored, buried, and forgotten past hurt hasn’t gone away. These emotions will still be bubbling away somewhere in your body and, crucially, they will be asking to be healed. Our bodies want to be well, and perhaps this is a part of your health jigsaw you’ve not considered before?
Physical Body
If you get a disturbed night, feel groggy on waking, find yourself being impatient or fatigued, then it’s possible you need to improve your agility to detoxify the day’s poisons. Nutrients are crucial as well as reducing the stress you put upon your body:
Clean eating is best. Knowing what you’re eating is crucial. Cook from scratch and know your ingredients. If you do eat processed foods, read the ingredients list. Be aware that any pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics used in the production of your food will need to be detoxified by your liver, and therefore choosing organic food whenever possible in beneficial.
Clean, filtered water is best. We’re nearly 70% water and water has many functions in our system.
Allergies and intolerances
We’re often aware of certain allergies, but are you aware of any hidden allergies? Our intolerances are very often the foods we eat on a daily basis and therefore stress our system.
Personal Products
It is imperative that we read the ingredients list of the shampoos, toothpastes and other products we use. The word “natural” can be used if only one ingredient is natural. All other ingredients may be very far from being natural.
Looking after our ancient body in a holistic manner is crucial to our health in the 21st Century. Get in touch with angharad@bodytalk.wales to see how your health can be transformed to live your best life today!