We are looking for volunteer writers

Do you enjoy finding out about local news? Do you have any interests or hobbies you’d like to share? Have you ever thought about writing a review on local restaurants, books or shows? Then we want to hear from you. 

We have always valued high quality content here at View Publishing. Now we are looking for passionate locals who want to develop their own voice on our platform. Whether it’s local stories, money-saving tips, fashion, creative interests, or reviews — whatever your enthusiasm, allow our readers to get to know you and what you’re about, and give us something exciting, heart-felt and real to read. 

We are looking for volunteer writers

We’re looking to kick off 2023 with some fresh voices who’d be interested in writing nine articles a year, three each in spring, summer and Christmas, to be published in print and on our website www.viewmags.co.uk. This opportunity is also open to local business owners, but just be aware we want to hear what you have to say, not your business.

Go on then, make me a writer

Are you local? Do you take pride in your community? Is this something you’d be interested in? Think of what you’d like to write about, contact us, and maybe you could get your name in print.

Please note: we are not looking to take on new writers on the following topics: events roundup, fitness, nutrition, pets, travel, wellbeing.

Please complete the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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Three articles each in spring, summer and Christmas, to be published in print and on this website. Full credit will be given, with a panel to promote yourself.