A Christmas Carol

This story follows the familiar arc of the original Dickens tale, centering on Ebenezer Scrooge, a ruthless, profit-driven landlord and moneylender. He has no sympathy for the poor and is solely focused on increasing his wealth, indifferent to the suffering he causes in the community.
On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is visited by the ghost of his former business partner, who warns him that he will be visited by three spirits throughout the night. These spirits—representing Christmas Past, Christmas Present, and Christmas Yet to Come—guide him through a journey that reveals the consequences of his actions, both on himself and on those around him.
As Scrooge witnesses the suffering and despair caused by his greed, he is forced to confront his own life choices and the impact they have had on his soul and community.


Dec 07 2024


7:00 pm




Roath Church House


Roath Church House