
Get featured in View Publishing’s Christmas special:
A VIEW of our favourite things

We print 4 titles and deliver them by hand to people’s letterboxes and to independent businesses, reaching an estimated 98,000 readers.We’re excited to invite you to be part of our exclusive autumn/winter issue, showcasing the best local businesses have to offer during the festive season. This is your chance to shine in our special feature, where we’ll highlight top picks in four exciting categories: Food and Drink, Experiences, Gifts, Health and Wellbeing.

Why choose us?

Book your advertising

Engage with your customers using our advertising tools. Plus, get all of the following benefits for free:


FREE advert design from our studio, which is essential for attracting your customers


FREE listing in our online business directory


FREE post on our social media channels to promote your festive offering


FREE online follow-up interview to further spotlight your business

Book your Christmas advertising

Secure your spot and have your product or service featured in front of our readers. Not only will you gain exposure in our printed magazine, but your business will also be promoted on our website and across our social media platforms. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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Company address


Please choose the section of the feautre you'd like to be placed in.


Now, tell us about the product or service you'll be promoting

Simply upload a photo of the product or service you want to promote, along with a few key details. You’ll have the opportunity to review and approve your feature before it goes to print.

Drag and drop files here or
Upload an image of your product or service that you'd like us to use
Give us a short and punchy description of your product or service

Would you like to place an additional display advert at a special discounted rate?

Enjoy a discounted rate on Full Page and Half Page display adverts to boost your holiday visibility and make a bigger impact this season!

Would you like to place an additional display advert at a special discounted rate?

Submit your booking

By submitting this form, you agree that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge. You understand and acknowledge that this submission constitutes a legally binding agreement to purchase advertising space as indicated. An invoice will be sent shortly to the provided email address. A member of our team will then contact you to discuss your artwork requirements and finalise the details of your advertisement.
