Golygfeydd o’r Pla Du
Cynhyrchiad Theatrau Sir Gâr Production
1348, Pentreufargirec. Mae anhrefn newydd wedi dod – y Pla. Mae Duw wedi bradychu’r bobl ac mae gwallgofrwydd o bwyntio bys, hela cathod a llosgi hereticiaid wedi boddi’r pentref yn y toiled.
I Twm y twyllwr, mae popeth yn gêm. Tra bod pobl yn marw, mae ‘na ysgol gymdeithasol i’w ddringo. Ond o dan reolaeth Casglwr Trethi sy’n chwilio am gariad a gwerthwr tail chwyldroadol sy’n annog meddwl agored ymhlith y werin, mae Twm yn sylweddoli bod gan rym llawer o rwystrau.
Comedi direidus, tywyll am y rhai sy’n elwa o argyfwng a llygredd. Croeso i’r Pla Du – does dim byd mwy doniol.
Cynulleidfaoedd 14+
Tocynnau: £15
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Welsh language production
1348, Pentreufargirec. A new chaos has arrived – Plague. God has betrayed the people, and a frenzy of finger-pointing, cat-hunting and heretic-burning has drowned the village in the toilet.
To con-artist Twm, everything is ripe for the picking. With people dying, there’s a social ladder to climb. But under the rule of a Tax Collector desperately searching for love, and a revolutionary manure-seller spreading free-thinking amongst the peasantry, Twm will realise that the climb to power has its obstacles.
A mischievous, black (death) comedy about those who gain from crisis and corruption. Welcome to the Black Death – there’s nothing funnier.
Audiences 14+