The 56 Group Wales- An Artist Shoots Themself in the Foot
An Artist Shoots Themself in the Foot! showcases the works of the current member artists who each explore the possibilities of what a future shapes AI, AR and VR may hold.
The 56 Group Wales have spent the past two years touring the At Cross Purposes exhibition, curated by Dr. Frances Woodley, for which each member connected with an artist outside the group to take stock of their practice. That exhibition ended at the close of 2023 enabling the group’s members to look ahead to the future and how their art might develop in a changing world shaped by AI, AR, and VR.
An Artist Shoots Themself in the Foot showcases the works of the current member artists who each explore the possibilities of what the future may hold. Through a variety of mediums such as painting, sculpture, video, and digital art, the artists address topics such as climate change, technology, and social issues. The exhibition invites visitors to engage in a thought-provoking journey that challenges them to consider the potential outcomes and impact of our choices, while also celebrating the resilience and inventiveness of human imagination.
Note: The poster and text for this exhibition have been generated using DeepAI.