Business Owner Turns her Illness into her Calling
Emily Forbes talks to Meryl Cubley about the challenges of long-term illness and how it sparked a new direction into a whole wylde way of being; resulting in a new wellness and coaching support service in Cowbridge.
When we embark on any personal journey of growth, recovery or wellbeing (whether through chance, circumstance or active pursuit), we will ultimately awaken our true, authentic inner selves and learn many critical lessons along the way.
Women’s identities in particular are often caught up in the roles we play: in our career, our businesses, at home, in our friendship circles, and in our relationships. The visible identity of the mask that is worn in any particular context, by any one of us, is often far removed from the reality of the invisible woman beneath and navigating the rapids of life.
Primarily, for me, my career was a polished presentation of myself to the world and the perception of what others saw of me that defined my identity. Viewed as an ambitious professional, CEO of a government body, the breadwinner, mentor to many, active mum, fixer of everything and holder of space for others, I never truly unpicked the elements of me as a whole person. I never delved deeper into my true needs, desires, goals, nor took a holistic approach to my body, mind, soul and emotions- at least not until now, not until illness made me take notice of my wellness.
So the lessons that I share with my clients are based on taking care of your own wellbeing, your own wellness journey and focusing on meeting your own needs- instead of relentlessly filling the cups of others and going unnoticed, remaining invisible with your own unseen wounds.
In addition to chronic illness, a divorce- and a bereavement- combined to strip me of who I once was.
You are here; it is now and you are a warrior. You can lean-in to the duality of life and accept the whole spectrum of the human condition without judgement at Wylde Wellbeing.
Being present, in this moment, in this breath, in this heartbeat is what truly matters. You will be taught self-compassion, self-love, gentleness, kindness. You will learn how clearing space and time for healing is paramount, whether from physical, emotional or mental trauma.
If you are stuck in tough times, whether through loss, grief, ill-health, change of direction, divorce, birth, death, marriage- all the things (!), then please do get in touch and get ready to start your new journey.
You can get in contact with Wylde Wellbeing by giving them a call on 07795 555 894 or email them at info@wyldewellbeing.uk
And make sure to check out the Wylde Wellbeing website and Instagram.