My Fair Lady at the Millennium Centre: A Review

“It’s it Loverly!”

We were lucky enough to be invited to come and watch the Lincoln Center Theatre’s multi-award-winning production of My Fair Lady at the Wales Millennium Centre, following its critically acclaimed West End run. This classic musical was a must-see for me, having listened to the soundtrack a thousand times and watched the Audrey Hepburn film growing up, so I had high expectations. But, as always, I was not disappointed. This show, to sum up in one word, was magnificent!

The story follows Eliza Doolittle (portrayed by Charlotte Kennedy), a fiery Cockney flower-seller who meets a rather arrogant linguistics professor, Henry Higgins (portrayed by Michael D. Xavier), who vows to be able to teach her to become a sophisticated lady of high society. But as he tries so desperately to change her, he realises it is her that’s changing him.

This show highlights the deep divide between the classes, touching on some serious societal issues, but also has you laughing and smiling from the very beginning. The talent of this cast was incredible! Charlotte Kennedy has taken on this iconic role and did not disappointed, bringing to life some of the most well known theatrical songs, such as ‘Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?”, “The Rain In Spain”  and “I Could Have Danced All Night”, which left goosebumps running up my arm. And the onstage chemistry between Charlotte and Michael D. Xavier was magnetic, with their loaded bickering and perfect comedic timings, left the audience wanting more.

Recognition also have to go to the rest of the talented-filled cast, such as Adam Woodyatt as Alfred P Doolittle, Heather Jackson as Mrs Higgins, John Middleton as Colonel Pickering, Lesley Garrett as Mrs Pearce and Tom Liggins as Freddy Eynsford-Hill. Each one of them bringing life to their roles, channelling the original characters while making it their own. Something that’s often hard to do but was done perfectly.

Photo Credits: Marc Brenner

Visually this show is something else! I can’t not mention this stunning set and show-stopping costumes. Usual a busy, highly detailed set can feel overcrowded and distracting, but instead this set brought life to the world we were pulled into. Particularly the revolving set of Professor Higgins’ house. As the characters dart from one room to the next, you’re pulled along with them flawlessly, keeping you immersed in the story throughout. The detail that went into this set was outstanding. And the lavish costumes (and very large hats) were amazing and the moment Eliza walked onto stage in her Embassy Ball gown took the audiences breath away.

With an immense cast of talented people, show-stopping costumes, the iconic score from the team of Alan Jay Lerner (book and lyrics) and Frederick Loewe (music), and a story that’ll have you dancing all night, how can you not go and see it? My Fair Lady will be running in the Wales Millennium Centre until 26th November, so go and get your tickets now!

All photo credits to Marc Brenner

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